In the early days of Yellowstone National Park wolves roamed freely and they were a potential threat to cows,sheep and elk. Some wolves were illegally shot outside the park. Humans were feeding the wolves and the wolves were eating food at campsites and picnic areas. If they keep eating food from the humans this may cause biting and fighting.
I think the best solution for this dilemma is that they should be able to roam free around the park but they still need to be watched.
- Capture and put a radio collar on all wolves in the park and monitor them regularly. If a wolf leaves the park, bring it back to the park.
You can monitor l How are you going to bring them back
them regularly l to the park?
- Leave the collars on wolves that already have them, but do not collar any new ones. Only return wandering wolves to the park if it is deemed necessary for their immediate survival.
The ones that do l The ones that have a collar are jealous
not have collars l
can roam free l
and don’t have to l
wear a collar. l
- Let the wolves go where they may , even if it means an early death. Wolves are wild and should never be handled by people or collared.
They should l If they have an early death they won’t be
be wild and roam l able to have a long and nice life.
free. I also agree that l
they shouldn’t be handled l
by humans.